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Saturday, 30 May 2015. Bruce and Gil arrived first. The crew had to clamber underneath and help the piston to fall! And, this assumes that the track over the pit is absolutely level. 2807 is currently rostered for Thursday and Sunda.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013.
涓昏 浜у搧鏈夛細瓒呭競銆佷粨鍌ㄨ揣鏋讹紱杞诲瀷銆佷腑鍨嬨 侀噸鍨嬭揣鏋讹紱鏈嶈 浠撳簱銆佸簱鎴裤? 闃佹ゼ璐ф灦锛涘睍绀恒 佸睍浼氥 佸睍鏌滆揣鏋讹紱闀 閾 眰銆佺綉寮忋 佺簿鍝佹棆杞 佷竾鑳借 閽 揣鏋讹紱. 楗板紡鍏锋湁鎵块噸鍔涘己銆佺粨鏋勫悎鐞嗐 侀 忔槑搴 己銆佺編瑙傝交渚跨瓑銆佸苟鏍规嵁瀹 埛瑕佹眰杩涜. 涓撲笟瀵瑰彛璁捐 锛屼负瀹 埛鍏嶈垂鎻愪緵鍟嗗満鏁翠綋瑙勫垝銆佽揣鏋堕厤缃 佸晢鍝侀檲鍒楃瓑鎶 鏈 挩. 鎶 鏈 佺嫭鐗圭殑璁捐 锛涘疄鐢ㄧ殑鍔熻兘銆佷紭璐ㄧ殑浜у搧銆佸疄鎯犵殑浠锋牸锛涘仴鍏ㄣ 佸揩閫熺殑鍞? 鍚庢湇鍔 紱涓哄 鎴峰仛鍒扮渷閽便 佺渷蹇冦 佺渷鏃讹紒.